Expense Cards & Card Groups for Expenses


To enable Users to efficiently enter expenses in Lentune, the Administrator must configure the Expense settings, establish card groups for different types of expense cards, and set up cards for each user who has expense claims.

Set up Card Groups

  1. Create Card Groups

Card Groups are necessary to categorize various credit card and cash expense card types.
    • Go to Expenses > Card Groups.
    • Click New expense card group.
    • Enter the relevant information in the provided fields:
      • Code: A unique code for this credit card group (e.g., ANZCC).
      • Description: A brief description (e.g., ANZ Credit Cards).
      • Active: Typically set to Yes, but can be set to No if the Card Group is no longer in use.
    • Liability posting settings: These fields are no longer used.
Set default settings for new cards:
      • Currency: Select the preferred currency.
      • Import format: Select the import format for the type of credit card.
      • Authorise security role: Select the Security Role for users who are able to authorise expenses for this Card Group.
    • Specify whether the card is reimbursable; (No for credit cards and Yes for personal card or cash expenses).
    • Click Confirm to save your changes. The system will prompt you if any required fields are left empty.

Set up Cards

  1. Create User-Specific Expense Cards

Before Users can submit expense claims, a dedicated Expense Card must be created for each User.

Each Card is linked to a specific User and a Card Group, ensuring accurate tracking of expenses.

      • Go to Expenses > Cards.
      • Click New expense card.
      • Enter the relevant information in the provided fields:
        • Code: A unique code for the User's card (e.g., ANZJB).
        • Description: A description of the card (e.g., JB Credit Card).
        • Active: Indicate whether the card is active (Ys') or inactive (No).
        • Staff: Select the User from the provided dropdown list.
        • Expenses Card Group: Choose the appropriate Card Group.
        • Currency: Select the preferred currency.
        • Authorise security role: This may default from the Card Group or can be customised.
        • Reimbursable: Select Yes or No based on the type of card.
          1. If Yes provide the user's bank account number for reimbursement.
          2. If No, provide the card number, card reference (optional), and import format.
    • Confirm your changes by clicking Confirm. Any missing required fields will be flagged by the system.

Your cards and card groups are ready for your team to use. You will now need to set up the security authority on these cards, the link to which can be found here: Establish Authority to approve Expense Claims.

Need more help? We’re here! We hope our article was helpful! If you need more info or want to connect, drop us an email at support@lentune.com.

Thank you. We love to hear from you!

Last updated: 20 September 2023