Business Automation Releases 2023 +
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Lentune | Invoice Release 3.35

Here are the latest updates:

Progress Claims

  1. You can now set up separate default retention policies for your Head Contracts and Sub-Contracts.
  2. In the Sub-contract tab of a project, the Supplier Description now displays instead of the Supplier Code.
  3. When creating a new Receivable Account, we have added a Send invoice to Xero tick box in the modal.

General Improvements

  1. In the Reporting tab, you can now download a Staff Labour On Project Report to assist you to analyse data outside Lentune.
  2. Wave goodbye to the issue where some invoices were being recognised as statements.

Lentune Knowledge Base

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Let us know how we can improve your experience with Lentune. Your feedback and ideas for new features are the most important part to make Lentune better for everyone. Submit your idea.

Thank you.

Lentune Customer Support Team

NZ: 03 351 9110
AU: 1300 312 720

Last updated: 24 July 2023