Business Automation Releases 2023 +
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  3. Business Automation Releases 2023 +

Lentune | Invoice Release 3.36

Here are the latest updates that we have been working on:

General Improvements

  • We've fixed the issue that was causing errors with statement auto-capture. No more frustration, just happy automating ahead!
  • Selecting Time sheet User Groups is now easy and speedy. We've added tick-boxes to the multi-select fields in Time Sheet search.
  •  You can now add the approval Security Role to export/import expense cards, allowing bulk updates with ease.

Progress Claims

Lentune Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base is our self-service portal where you can find step-by-step guides and tips to get the most out of Lentune. If you can't find something you need in the Knowledge base, please let us know. We value your feedback as we constantly look to refine and improve.

Share your ideas

Let us know how we can improve your experience with Lentune. Your feedback and ideas for new features are the most important part to make Lentune better for everyone. Submit your idea here

Happy automating!

Lentune Customer Support Team

NZ: 03 351 9110
AU: 1300 312 720

Last updated: 7 August 2023