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Lentune | Invoice Release 3.4

Here's a wrap up of what we've been working on lately.


    We have made a number of tweaks and improvements to the expenses module including:

    1. A branch filter has been added to the Process Expense screen to allow Users to process and batch by branch.
    2. A new Merchant field has been added. (This requires the security role Expense Merchant maintenance.)
    3. The unsubmitted screen now displays whether there is a document on the receipt.
    4. There is a flag in Admininstration > Settings to make the description box compulsory.
    5. The multi-line pop-up box is now movable.
    6. On the approval screen the Save and Close button has been renamed Save and Authorise and Project and Cost code columns have been added.
    7. On the search screen, the records now default from newest to oldest and search filtering no longer clears if the User moves between tabs.
    8. Improvements have been made to the speed of the statement import.

    Time Sheets

    1. A flag option has been added to the Timesheet settings in Admininstration > Settings which will change Period end date to Period start date. This will affect:
        • Search Timesheet screen.
        • Timesheet dashboard.
        • Approve screen.
        • Edit timesheet dialog.
        • Manage crew time.

      2.   Now, when a Timesheet is rejected, the raiser is sent a message and will receive an app notification.

      3.   Working Days on timesheets will now display to 2 decimal places to make it clearer.

      4.   When searching for Timesheets the grid will now have both the Cost Code code and the Cost Code description. 

    Additional improvements resulting from customer feedback

    1. There is a new flag in the Admininstration > Settings screen which allows WorkflowMax users to have Master Cost Codes populate against new Projects brought in from WFM.
    2. The Security code allowing a User to change the budget of a cost code has been added to the SUPERUSER security group.
    3.  Lentune will now format GST numbers from imported Payables to the correct format required (000-000-000) rather than throwing an error.
    4.  An invoice line description is now editable after the invoice has been processed.
    5.  Internal notes can now be added to a Purchase Order which are available to the Approver but not the Supplier.

    But wait, there's more...

    Following requests from a number of customers, you can now pay suppliers directly from Lentune.  If this is a feature you are interested in exploring with us, let us know and we can talk to you about how we can set this up for your company.  

    Submit an idea

    Do you have an idea for a new feature or improvement in Lentune? We'd be happy to hear from you.

    Click here to Request a feature and we'll look into it! 


    Thanks for reading. If you have any questions about these updates, please reach out to us.


    Ngā mihi,

    Lentune Support Team


    New Zealand: +64 3 351 9110

    Australia: +61 2 8103 4953


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