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Lentune | Invoice Release 3.58

Have a look at the latest updates we've been working on.

Introducing Statement Auto-Reconciliation

We're thrilled to roll out our new auto-reconciliation feature for supplier statements. This nifty feature automatically reconciles all your supplier statements in seconds and provides you with clear results, so you only need to manually investigate statements with discrepancies.

It's a total time (and sanity) saver that'll free you up to focus on the big stuff! If you want to streamline your reconciliation process and reduce manual effort, this feature is perfect.

Please note, there is an additional charge for this service, billed as part of your document count. For all the details on how to activate and use this feature, check out our knowledge base article.

General Improvements


Mx Hardhat with clipboard


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Happy automating!

Lentune Customer Support Team

support@lentune.com | NZ: +64 3 351 9110 | AU: 1300 312 720

Last updated: 25 July 2024