Payment Claims Manager

The Lentune Payment Claims Manager


Payment Claims Manager


An overview of the Payment Claims Manager.

  • Go to Settings > Payment Claims Manager.

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Payment Claims Manager

An explanation of the fields on the Payment Claims Manager screen.



What Does It Do?


Default Pricing Type

Sets the default pricing type for new head contracts (Fixed Price or Cost Plus).


Head Contract Code Prefix

Adds a prefix to the code of newly created head contracts.


Head Contract Code Next Number

When head contracts are created they are given a code in digits. This sets the number the next head contract created will start at. Subsequent head contracts will be one integer more than the last.


Default Days To Approve Claim

The default number of days your customer has to approve a claim.


Default Payment Due Days

The number of days your customer has to make a payment for a claim.


Payment Claim General Ledger Account

This is the General Ledgecode used when creating an invoice for a head contract.


Payment Claim Prefix

Adds a prefix to the Receivable Claim reference.


Enable Variation Submittal

When you’re on a head contract’s variations tab, if this is ticked a Submittal column will appear in the grid showing the submittal status of the variation. If you click into the variation the status will also be visible there. If it’s not ticked, you won’t see these.


Claims Terms And Conditions

A Terms and Conditions PDF can be uploaded here to be applied to claims.


Sub Contract Code Prefix

Adds a prefix to the code of newly created sub contracts.


Sub Contract Code Next Number

When sub contracts are created they are given a code in digits. This sets the number the next sub contract created will start at. Subsequent sub contracts will be one integer more than the last.


Default Sub Contract Claim Invoicing Action

Defines the default action when invoicing sub contract claims. You can choose between Wait For Invoice From Sub Contractor, Convert Claim To Invoice (which will create an invoice in the invoice automation module) or Generate BCTI (Buyer Created Tax Invoice).


Default Sub Contract Claim Payment Schedule Action

When approving a sub contract claim there are two tickboxes to choose from, Email payment schedule and Print payment schedule. This setting defines which is ticked by default.


Dual Approval Required For Claims

Set whether or not two approvers are required for claims.


Send Generated BCTI To Process Screen

If ticked, BCTI invoices will skip the earlier invoice automation screens and go straight to the process screen so they don’t require re-approval.


Default Retention Policy

Set default retention levels.


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 Last updated: 19 January 2023