Using gmail for your invoice fetch source.
Where you use Gmail instead of Outlook, you can set up a Gmail email source as your invoice fetch source.
Set up Gmail as your email source
- Log in to Gmail with your usual credentials.
- Go to Settings > See All Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
- In the IMAP access section, click the radio button for Enable iMap and then click Save changes at the bottom of this page.

- Go to to switch on 2-step verification and follow the prompts.
- Once it’s on, go to
Tip: If the link above does not redirect correctly, refer below to see what to do.
Now, if you’re already not logged in, follow the prompts to log in.
- Click Select app and then select Mail.
- Now click Select device and select Other, and the type in Lentune.
- Save this.
Now you’ll be given a code that’s several digits long. Copy this to your clipboard and enter it as the password in the email source. Make sure you record this password!
You will still log in to Gmail with your usual password to. This password is new one is for the Lentune connection.
The code looks like this:
Now you can set up the email source details in Lentune on this page: Administration > Settings > Email source tab.
In the Credentials section, in the Password field, enter the password that has been generated from the screen above. This is the user name and password that will be used for fetching emails into the Invoice system.
Your Email source page in Lentune will look similar to this:
What to do if the link doesn't work
As Google Settings can be regularly updated, you may find that the above link ( does not route correctly.
If this happens, type App password into the search bar at the top of the Google Settings Page. This will redirect the page.
Additional 2FA code may be required to perform this action.
Then return to the steps above to continue.
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Last updated: 12 February 2024