1. Knowledge Base
  2. Payment Claims
  3. Head Contract Claims and Invoicing

Invoicing a Project

In certain situations, particularly for smaller projects that don't warrant a full Payment Claim, you have the option to invoice the project directly to your Receivable Account from within Lentune.



Access to this functionality is only available when you are using our Payment Claims module.


To successfully invoice a Project in this manner, you'll need to ensure that the Project is set up with Cost codes containing budget values and related spent costs.

You'll have the flexibility to invoice all or part of the spent costs and even add a margin to these costs if needed.


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to invoice a Project directly in Lentune:



Invoicing a Project

  1. Access the Project: Begin by going to Administration > Projects and selecting the Project you want to invoice.
  2. Receivables Invoices Tab: Click the Receivables Invoices tab.
  3. Create Invoices: Click Create invoices.
  4. Create Invoice Screen: In the Create Invoice screen, you'll notice the following:
    • Project: The Project name will be pre-filled.
    • Client (Receivable Account): Select the Receivable account that you want to invoice.
    • Budget Amount: This will be populated with the budget values associated with all Cost codes for this Project.
    • Total Spent Cost: This will default from the approved invoices assigned to this Project.
    • Outstanding committed costs: A total of any committed costs in Lentune still awaiting a corresponding invoice.
    • Current cost: Current anticipated spend based on committed and spent values.
    • Already invoiced: Shows the value that has previously been invoiced against this project.

    • Date: Allows you to set the date that this invoice should be dated to. You can set the date to be up to 30 days in the future, or up to 60 days in the past.

    • Client Reference: This allows you to enter a customer reference, such as PO number, to be displayed on the invoice.
    • Required Margin: Enter the margin you wish to on-charge from the spent costs.
    • Invoice Value: This will be calculated based on the spent costs plus the margin percentage. This amount is exclusive of GST/Tax.
    • Override Description line message: Allows you to override the autogenerated invoice line description to whatever you would like it to be.
  5. Save: Click Save. This action will create the invoice, which will now appear on the previous screen.
  6. Send: Send your invoice across to Xero by clicking on the Send button in the grid below where the information for your newly created Receivable Invoice will be displayed.

    This will send the invoice straight across to Xero, and you will also have the option to print a PDF of the invoice.


Although you are able to create receivable invoices in this manner without taking them through the Payment Claims workflow, creating a receivable invoice from your Project will create a Head Contract in the background.

If you already have a Head Contract created for a project, you cannot create receivable invoices through this workflow.

If you create receivable invoices for a project using this workflow, you cannot create a Head Contract for this project in the future.

Need more help? We’re here! We hope our article was helpful! If you need more info or want to connect, drop us an email at support@lentune.com.

Thank you. We love to hear from you!

Last updated: 22 February 2024