An Introduction to the Invoice Automation process

An overview of the process to import your payable invoices in Lentune.

Overview of the Invoice Process

Processing Emails to Import Invoices – How it works

Overview of the Invoice Process

Importing Invoices. Invoices are imported into Lentune through an automated process. They then go through a three-step process before they are sent for payment.

The Check stage is where Invoice details are checked and the invoice is assigned to approvers. Click here to read more about this stage.

The Approve stage is where the invoice is checked by an approver. The Approver will confirm the goods being charged for have arrived and the pricing is correct. The Approvers will also apply the invoices project and cost coding to the invoice. Click here to read more about this stage.

The Processing stage is where invoices are batched - or grouped to be sent across to your accounting platform for payment.

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Processing Emails to Import Invoices – How it works

Lentune is set up directly to your accounts payable inbox. Please refer to Your organisaton email address for incoming invoices to learn about our recommendations for setting up your dedicated email.

To import invoices into Lentune, we set up a scheduled task to scan your inbox for emails containing PDF attachments. If emails with PDF attachments are found, they will be imported into Lentune and moved to your Check screen. The invoices will then be available in the Unchecked Invoice list.

Deleted Subfolder

Invoices that are successfully imported will be moved from your accounts payable inbox to a subfolder called Deleted. In the event that you need to retrieve a clean copy of an invoice without the approval stamp we recommend using this folder to find the original invoice.

Unknown Subfolder

Any emails that were not successfully imported will be moved from your accounts payable inbox to a subfolder called Unknown. We recommend checking this Unknown folder weekly to view anything that has not been imported into Lentune.

Scheduled Task

To automate the importing of invoices we set up a scheduled task to scan your inbox. This task can run as frequently as you want and on whichever days you want. The frequency of this task can be changed at any time.

Fetch Emails

You can manually fetch emails from your inbox and pull them into Lentune using the Fetch email button on your Check screen. This function is a good way to pull in any invoices that you need to process urgently in between the scheduled task times.


The main reason an invoice will not be imported is that the original email does not contain the invoice as a PDF attachment. Lentune cannot import word documents or zip files into the software. If emails containing these types of attachments are in the inbox they will be moved to the Unknown folder.

We recommend

We recommend requesting that your suppliers send invoices as PDF attachments, send one invoice per PDF attachment and associate one Purchase Order per invoice so you get the most out of Lentune’s automation. We can send you a draft email that you can forward to your suppliers requesting that they send you invoices in the right format for Lentune.

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Last updated: 24 February 2022