Here are the latest updates:
Time Sheets
- A Period Beginning search field has been added to the 1st and 2nd approval search screens.
- A setting has been added to the Entry Type screen to allow you to choose whether it should be visible in the Time sheet entry screen.
- We've added a tick box to the leave request called Allow change to approved leave request.
- The approvers can now edit time sheets.
- An On-hold tick box is now available in the Projects > Invoice search screen.
- The Invoice Check screen search can now be filtered by Account Group.
- The default Supplier tax code now auto-populates to Purchase Order lines.
- Emails can now be created in HTML from Lentune, allowing you to customise styles.
- An optional setting has been added to the Yard module. Administrators now can disable the adding of items once a booking has been created.
- Un-invoiced Yard bookings can now be exported to a spreadsheet to enable invoicing from other software.
- Financial information can now be updated in an approved/processed invoice.
Fixes / Enhancements
- Email signatures now correctly default into communications from Lentune.
- A loophole that allowed logged-in users to deactivate themselves has been closed.
- Line approvers are now displayed in the dashboard and approval queues.
- The default tax is now correctly populating on Purchase Order lines.
- Reassignment of approvers now only affects the stage the change is made at (e.g., at first approval), rather than across the board.
- Duplicated Purchase Orders can no longer bypass the approval process.
- If a time sheet was auto-generated on a public holiday that falls on a weekend, it will not generate any leave time.
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Lentune Customer Support Team
NZ: 03 351 9110
AU: 1300 312 720
Last updated: 29 November 2022